Tag: antlr

The Keyboard Layout Editor

Update Dec 2010: Get the latest version of the Keyboard Layout Editor from https://github.com/simos/keyboardlayouteditor (this entry is a repost, the original was lost in a database mishap.) As part of the 2008 GSoC program, I worked on a Keyboard Layout Editor for the X.Org Foundation. The Keyboard Layout Editor (KLE) is an application that allows …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/the-keyboard-layout-editor/

ANTLR grammar for XKB, and Relax NG schema (draft)

I completed the ANTLRv3 grammar for symbols/ configuration files of XKB. The grammar can parse and create the abstract syntax tree (AST) for all keyboard layouts in xkeyboard-config. ANTLRv3 helps you create parsers for domain specific languages (DSL), an example of which is the configuration files in XKB. Having the ANTLRv3 grammar for a configuration …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/antlr-grammar-for-xkb-and-relax-ng-schema-draft/

Looking into the symbol files

In the previous post, we talked about the ANTLR grammar that parses the XKB layout files. The grammar is available at http://code.google.com/p/keyboardlayouteditor/source/browse. I’ll rather push to the freedesktop repository once the project is completed. Now it’s too easy for me, just doing svn commit -m something. Below you can see the relevant layout files for …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/looking-into-the-symbol-files/

Parsing XKB files with antlr

antlr (well, antlr3) is an amazing tool that replaces lex/flex, yacc/bison. One would use antlr3 if they want to deal with Domain-Specific Languages (DSL), an example of which are the text configuration files. In our case, we use antlr3 to parse some of the XKB configuration files, those found in /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/??. Our aim is to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/parsing-xkb-files-with-antlr/