Category: Planet Ubuntu

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Accessing your Android from Ubuntu and compiling stuff

So you got an Android mobile phone and you want to access it from your Ubuntu. You can get shell access to your phone, you can copy files from/to, and much more. In this post I cover the overall process. You connect your mobile phone to your computer with a USB cable. Most Android phones …

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Announcing the Certificate Watch (CertWatch) Firefox addon

CertWatch is a Firefox add-on that helps you control how digital certificates are used when you visit secure websites. While there exist tools that help control how, for example, scripts like Javascript are executed (NoScript addon), there has not been a tool for digital certificates. The closest Firefox addon to the functionality of CertWatch is …

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The Ubuntistas magazine (in Greek)

Ubuntistas is an e-magazine by Ubuntu-gr, the Greek Ubuntu community. This is the 9th issue of Ubuntistas for May-June-July. You can click on the image above and have a look at the issue. The text should look Greek to you 🙂 but you can get the gist of the content. The contributors for the 9th …

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Stix Fonts, eventually out.

StixFonts in 3.2 (Insert Special Character)

The StixFonts project is a project to produce high quality fonts for academic publications. It has been in progress for over ten years and there has been a beta about two years and a half ago. At the same time there had been a discussion on the relevant license for these fonts. The first draft …

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OpenType support in OpenOffice 3.2 (Greek)

The new version 3.2 of is being developed and you can currently download the release candidate for your testing purposes. A big enhancement in 3.2 is the support for OpenType fonts. A typical Linux user is able to do most of the tasks with TrueType fonts, however any new exciting fonts available are …

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Laptop without Windows, an update for Dell, Asus, Acer, Compaq

So you want to buy a laptop without pre-installed Windows in Europe? We have a look at the available options.

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