Category: Planet Ubuntu

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Trying out LXD containers on our Ubuntu

This post is about containers, a construct similar to virtual machines (VM) but so much lightweight that you can easily create a dozen on your desktop Ubuntu! A VM virtualizes a whole computer and then you install in there the guest operating system. In contrast, a container reuses the host Linux kernel and simply contains just the root …

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Πως φτιάχνουμε εύκολα app (webapp) για το Ubuntu Phone!

Συμπλήρωση βασικών στοιχείων εφαρμογής

Θα δούμε πως μπορούμε να φτιάξουμε εύκολα ένα webapp (εφαρμογή/app που εμπεριέχει mobile website) στο Ubuntu Touch. Για τα βήματα αυτά δεν χρειάζεται να έχουμε καν το κινητό. Ξεκινούμε με το να βρούμε ένα δικτυακό τόπο που διαθέτει μια έκδοση για κινητά (mobile website). Για το παράδειγμά μας, χρησιμοποιούμε το Καθώς βλέπουμε το, …

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How to count the population of flocks of birds using software

ImageJ - Analyze Particles tool

We normally see around a few birds and it is rather easy to count them. However, when there is a flock with dozens, hundreds or thousands of birds, there is need for an automated (computer-assisted) method to count the birds. Without a computer-assisted method, it is easy to over/under-estimate the count, and worst of all, there is …

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Ubuntu usage stats with getclicky

Linux distribution statistics for Greece (2011/11 to 2012/11), courtesy GetClicky

How many people are using Ubuntu? It is difficult to get precise numbers so we end up looking for trends. Up until now we had free Linux stats from These are the operating system statistics for Greece for the last year. (I am using Greece as an example. All other countries are also supported). …

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Gangnam Style in Ubuntu

Gangnam Style Official Cover

Gangnam Style is a song by Korean rapper PSY (pronounced as in PSYchology), and it is currently one of the most popular songs on the Internets. It’s now the No 8 most viewed video of all time on Youtube. It is definitely the most popular Korean (k-pop) song worldwide. The Gangnam Style video on Youtube …

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Accessing your Android from Ubuntu and compiling stuff

So you got an Android mobile phone and you want to access it from your Ubuntu. You can get shell access to your phone, you can copy files from/to, and much more. In this post I cover the overall process. You connect your mobile phone to your computer with a USB cable. Most Android phones …

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