Simos Xenitellis

Author's posts

Open Font License (OFL) 1.1 Released

Dear OFL friends and reviewers, We’re pleased to finally announce the completion of the SIL Open Font License version 1.1. This free and open license has been updated to improve clarity, remove potential ambiguities, and make it easier to use for both authors and users. Visit the OFL web site for more information: A …

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Video playback problems (black) after installing Beryl (or Compiz)

Note: Here we describe a workaround. The proper solution is to fix the graphics drivers and the X.Org X server. Such work is taking place, and for several cases you do not need this workaround. Especially with newer versions of Linux. You just installed your 3D Linux desktop and you are really enthusiastic about it. …

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Hard disk boot sector invalid

Hard disk boot sector invalid When you get this error when you boot your computer, you know something is terribly wrong. Actually, in most cases it’s not. What probably happened was that you did not have set a bootable partition on your booting hard disk. How can one not set a partition as bootable? It …

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For how long have I been using my computer?

Do you want to check how many hours you have been using your computer/laptop? Do you want to find out if that second-hand hard disk salesman is saying the truth? Are you about to buy a second-hand laptop that had been used only sparingly? You can figure out what’s going on, with the help of …

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Translating OLPC software

The core OLPC software is developed at using the GIT source code management system. For the tasks of the translator, one needs to look into the different projects and locate any po/ subdirectory. The existence of this subdirectory show that the piece of software is internationalised (=can be translated). For example, the core component …

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Creating a new locale on the OLPC

When you run the OLPC software you currently have access only to the English locales. If you want to enable Greek support, you need to run (as root) localedef -v -c -i /usr/share/i18n/locales/el_GR -f UTF-8 /usr/lib/locale/el_GR/ localedef -v -c -i /usr/share/i18n/locales/el_GR -f UTF-8 /usr/lib/locale/el_GR.utf8/ You will get a bunch of warnings. You can ignore them …

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