Tag: lxc

multipass, management of virtual machines running Ubuntu

If you want to run a machine container, you would use LXD.  But if you want to run a virtual machine, you would use multipass. multipass is so new, that is still in beta. The name is not known yet to Google, and you get many weird results when you search for it. Both containers …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/multipass-management-of-virtual-machines-running-ubuntu/

How to migrate LXD from DEB/PPA package to Snap package

You are using LXD from a Linux distribution package and you would like to migrate your existing installation to the Snap LXD package. Let’s do the migration together! This post is not about live container migration in LXD. Live container migration is about moving a running container from one LXD server to another. If you …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-migrate-lxd-from-deb-ppa-package-to-snap-package/

How to set the timezone in LXD containers

See https://blog.simos.info/trying-out-lxd-containers-on-our-ubuntu/ on how to set up and test LXD on Ubuntu (or another Linux distribution). In this post we see how to set up the timezone in a newly created container. The problem The default timezone for a newly created container is Etc/UTC, which is what we used to call Greenwich Mean Time. Let’s …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-set-the-timezone-in-lxd-containers/

How to initialize LXD again

LXD is the pure-container hypervisor that is pre-installed in Ubuntu 16.04 (or newer) and also available in other GNU/Linux distributions. When you first configure LXD, you need to make important decisions. Decisions that relate to where you are storing the containers, how big that space will be and also how to set up networking. In …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-initialize-lxd-again/

How to install neo4j in an LXD container on Ubuntu

Neo4j is a different type of database, is a graph database. It is quite cool and it is worth to spend the time to learn how it works. The main benefit of a graph database is that the information is interconnected as a graph, and allows to execute complex queries very quickly. One of the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-install-neo4j-in-an-lxd-container-on-ubuntu/

How to install LXD/LXC containers on Ubuntu on cloudscale.ch

In previous posts, we saw how to configure LXD/LXC containers on a VPS on DigitalOcean and Scaleway. There are many more VPS companies. cloudscale.ch is one more company that provides Virtual Private Servers (VPS). They are based in Switzerland. In this post we are going to see how to create a VPS on cloudscale.ch and configure to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-install-lxdlxc-containers-on-ubuntu-on-cloudscale-ch/