Tag: lxc

How to develop the LXD hypervisor – Part #2 (using multipass/KVM VM)

Background: LXD is a hypervisor that manages machine containers on Linux distributions. You install LXD on your Linux distribution and then you can launch machine containers into your distribution running all sort of (other) Linux distributions. In this post we are having a closer look on how to help in the development of LXD. We …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-develop-the-lxd-hypervisor-part-2-using-multipass-kvm-vm/

How to set up LXD on Civo (new UK VPS provider)

Civo is a new UK company that offers virtual private servers (VPS). They are currently in beta, and I am testing here their management interface and the process of setting up LXD on Civo VPS. What differentiates greatly one VPS provider from another, is the Web management interface. And the CLI interface. Management interface Once …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-set-up-lxd-on-civo-new-uk-vps-provider/

How to develop the LXD hypervisor – Part #1 (client side lxc)

Background: LXD is a hypervisor that manages machine containers on Linux distributions. You install LXD on your Linux distribution and then you can launch machine containers into your distribution running all sort of (other) Linux distributions. In this post we see how to help develop the LXD hypervisor. That is, learn how to compile the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-develop-the-lxd-hypervisor-part-1-client-side-lxc/

How to use lxc remote with the LXD snap

Background: LXD is a hypervisor that manages machine containers on Linux distributions. You install LXD on your Linux distribution and then you can launch machine containers into your distribution running all sort of (other) Linux distributions. You have installed the LXD snap and you are happy using it. However, you are developing LXD and you …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-use-lxc-remote-with-the-lxd-snap/

How to use LXD instance types

Background: LXD is a hypervisor that manages machine containers on Linux distributions. You install LXD on your Linux distribution and then you can launch machine containers into your distribution running all sort of (other) Linux distributions. When you launch a new LXD container, there is a parameter for an instance type. Here it is, $ …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-use-lxd-instance-types/

How to preconfigure LXD containers with cloud-init

The original post here is now obsolete and it has been replaced by the following: Simos Xenitellisblog.simos.info/

Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-preconfigure-lxd-containers-with-cloud-init/