Category: open-source

How to make a snap package for lolcat with snapcraft on Ubuntu

In this post we are going to see how to make snap installation packages for a program called lolcat. What you need for this tutorial? This tutorial is similar to Snap a python application. If you first follow that tutorial, then this one will reinforce what you have learned and expand to dealing with more …

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How to create a snap with snapcraft for howdoi (CLI utilility for stackoverflow)

In the tutorial How to create a snap for how2 (stackoverflow from the terminal) in Ubuntu 16.04 we saw how to create a snap with snapcraft for the CLI utility called how2. That was a software based on nodejs. In this post we will repeat the process for another CLI utility called howdoi by Benjamin …

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How to create a snap for how2 (stackoverflow from the terminal) in Ubuntu 16.04

Stackoverflow is an invaluable resource for questions related to programming and other subjects. Normally, the workflow for searching, is to search Google using a Web browser. Most probably, the result will be a question from stackoverflow. A more convenient way to query StackOverflow, is to use the how2 command-line utility. Here is how it …

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How to create a snap for a Python app with networking using snapcraft in Ubuntu 16.04

Update #1: 6 Feb 2017  httpstat needs curl. Originally, this HowTo would freshly compile curl from the github source. Now, this HowTo shows how to reuse the existing curl package from the Ubuntu repositories. In this post we see how to create a snap package (or, just snap) of some software in Ubuntu 16.04. A …

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How to install Inkscape 0.92 (latest) as a snap in Ubuntu 16.04

Inkscape is professional open-source vector graphics editor. The latest version is 0.92. Here is a video demonstrating the new Inkscape 0.92 features. And detailed Inkscape 0.92 Release Notes. Here is how to install as the Inkscape snap on Ubuntu 16.04 (and other GNU/Linux distributions that support snaps). The snap was created by Inkscape Board member …

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How to install LibreOffice 5.3 from snap on Ubuntu 16.04 (and others)

LibreOffice 5.3, installed from a snap.

Update #1: 3 Feb 2017: The new LibreOffice 5.3 has been released to the stable snap channel, which means the process of installing is quite easier. See at the end of this post for the simplified instructions, to install from fresh or switch channel from edge to stable. LibreOffice 5.3 was released a few days …

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