Category: ubuntu

How to use lxc remote with the LXD snap

Background: LXD is a hypervisor that manages machine containers on Linux distributions. You install LXD on your Linux distribution and then you can launch machine containers into your distribution running all sort of (other) Linux distributions. You have installed the LXD snap and you are happy using it. However, you are developing LXD and you …

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Skype is now available as a snap

In this announcement, we find out that Skype is now available as a snap package for Linux distributions. For Ubuntu, this means that we can install from the Ubuntu Software. Other distributions that have both Gnome Software and snap package support in Gnome Software, they can install as well. Here is how it looks, …

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Checking the Ubuntu Linux kernel updates on Spectre and Meltdown

Here is the status page for the Ubuntu updates on Spectre and Meltdown. For a background on these vulnerabilities, see the Meltdown and Spectre Attacks website. In this post we are trying out the Spectre & Meltdown Checker on different versions of the stock Ubuntu Linux kernel. Trying the Spectre & Meltdown Checker before any …

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How to make your LXD containers get IP addresses from your LAN using a bridge

Background: LXD is a hypervisor that manages machine containers on Linux distributions. You install LXD on your Linux distribution and then you can launch machine containers into your distribution running all sort of (other) Linux distributions. Using macvlan. See Using bridged. It is this tutorial, you are reading it now. Using routed. See …

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How to use LXD instance types

Background: LXD is a hypervisor that manages machine containers on Linux distributions. You install LXD on your Linux distribution and then you can launch machine containers into your distribution running all sort of (other) Linux distributions. When you launch a new LXD container, there is a parameter for an instance type. Here it is, $ …

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A closer look at the new Hetzner cloud servers, by running LXD

Hetzner just announced a new set of cloud servers at good competitive prices. Let’s try them out and run LXD! Cloud server information Here is the lineup of the new cloud servers, The cheapest is a single-core, 2GB RAM and 20GB disk Virtual Private Server, with practically unlimited traffic. This is good enough to run …

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