Tag: text

Creating a new locale on the OLPC

When you run the OLPC software you currently have access only to the English locales. If you want to enable Greek support, you need to run (as root) localedef -v -c -i /usr/share/i18n/locales/el_GR -f UTF-8 /usr/lib/locale/el_GR/ localedef -v -c -i /usr/share/i18n/locales/el_GR -f UTF-8 /usr/lib/locale/el_GR.utf8/ You will get a bunch of warnings. You can ignore them …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/creating-a-new-locale-on-the-olpc/

The OLPC and Greek

(oh, I am writing this through a lousy Net connection; thanks Engelados) I tried out the latest OLPC image, specifically build 218, on Qemu and my aim was to get Greek support configured, if it was not there already. The OLPC does not currently come with a good set of Greek fonts; you will need …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/the-olpc-and-greek/

Re: gtk1.x και Ελληνικά

Ο Νίκος Νύκταρης έγραψε: Μιας και από φαίνεται δεν μου κάθεται μια νέα έκδοση του knoppel είπα να ασχοληθώ με μερικά bugs που κάποια στιγμή είχα συναντήσει. Παρακάτω είναι ένα από αυτά και αφορά τις εφαρμογές gtk1.x και τα Ελληνικά , θα ήθελα τη γνώμη σας πριν κάνω κανένα bugreport που είναι άχρηστο ή λάθος. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/re-gtk1x-%ce%ba%ce%b1%ce%b9-%ce%95%ce%bb%ce%bb%ce%b7%ce%bd%ce%b9%ce%ba%ce%ac/

Can you read Coptic?

Coptic is the most recent phase of ancient Egyptian. It is the direct descendant of the ancient language written in Egyptian hieroglyphic, hieratic, and demotic scripts. The Coptic alphabet is a slightly modified form of the Greek alphabet, with some letters (which vary from dialect to dialect) deriving from demotic. As a living language of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/can-you-read-coptic/

Free Alaa!

Alaa is a young prominent Egyptian blogger that was arrested and jailed among 47 activists on 7th May 2006 during a peaceful demonstration in Cairo. His personal website and blog, shared with his wife Manal, is http://www.manalaa.net/ has the latest news about his condition. There is a petition by Hands Across the Mideast Support Alliance …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/free-alaa/

How to write special characters in Xorg and GNOME

There is functionality in Xorg that allows type special characters, without having to switch to a specific keyboard layout. To enable, Click System, Preferences, Keyboard. Under Layout Options, expand on Compose key position. Choose Right-Win key is compose, click Close. Now you can type extended characters using the RightWin key (next to AltGr), according to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://blog.simos.info/how-to-write-special-characters-in-xorg-and-gnome/